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Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Published articles being retracted from scientific journals including Transplantation

There is now confirmation that 15 scientific articles have been retracted from journals from around the world due to concerns that organs from executed prisoners were used for the purposes of transplantation. These articles are all from China.

As outlined in this online post from Retraction Watch the majority of the studies were published in PLOS One and the Transplantation journal.

This has been confirmed in an open access Editorial published in Transplantation where it is confirmed that some of the relevant scientific publications will now be retracted. It is understood that  a decision has been made at PLOS One to also retract a number of publications following a review having been undertaken. This intention of PLOS One to review previously published articles, was signalled earlier in 2019 Statement PLOS One In addition the scientific journal Kidney International has published online an expression of concern over 2 manuscripts that were previously published.

For all healthcare professionals involved in organ donation and or solid organ transplantation this is an important development as all possible measures are brought to bear on countries around the world where there are issues with how organs from organ donors are actually obtained.