Why visit this Blog?

Conveying useful healthcare system information, including for organ donation and transplantation, as well as a social media emphasis.

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Cessation of content curation via the Scoop.it platform

As alluded to in a previous post, one of my advocacy roles in the online space had involved content curation via the Scoop.it platform - www.scoop.it mainly pertaining to the topics of organ donation and organ transplantation.

However nothing in the online space remains static from year to year (think Facebook and the Cambridge Analytica story in 2018). Hence it can be expected that the developers and/or business owners of the various social media platforms will introduce changes on a regular basis. In addition individual users of social media platforms have to balance the rewards of using any particular online platform versus the risks and costs.

Hence from April 2018 how I go about my various advocacy roles in the online space will evolve.
The following changes will now occur-

A) Cessation of use of the Scoop.it platform predominantly due to the increasing charges being levelled by the owners for the same degree of functionality. This no doubt partly reflects the success of pitching this particular tool to users in the online space who are heavy users of content curation for specific purposes.
This means there will be no more new posts onto either of the following two sites-

            1) Organ Donation Transplant Matters www.scoop.it/t/organ-donation-transplant-matters

            2) Organ Donation Transplant Matters Resources www.scoop.it/t/organ-donation-transplant-matters-resources

B) Greater emphasis on the use of the second Twitter Handle @ODT_M https://twitter.com/ODT_M for pushing out content specifically on organ donation and transplantation

C) Ongoing use of Google+ and Linked In for advocacy purposes

D) An ongoing search for another content curation tool which is fit for purpose for this blogger

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